The Bookkeeping Activities Checklist...

The Basic Bookkeeping Activities you NEED to be doing for your Horse Business!

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Where'd my cash go?

Have you ever wondered why you are having a busy month in sales, but you can never seem to see the extra money in your bank account? You need to keep better records, NOW!

Why can't I pay myself more?

You work doggedly every day, but never seem to take home the pay to show for it. You didn't start your business to be working long hours for little / no pay. Stop the rat-race by keeping up with your bookkeeping!

Can I afford _____?

Looking to buy a new horse trailer for your business? But you don't have the funds for it because your business account is like swiss cheese. Fixing even a few leaks can help you afford more great opportunities - you can only do this if you know where your money is coming from and going!


Kristina Vaughn

Kristina grew up riding before she could walk so she knows how much time and effort you spend focused on horses and even catering to their owners. You owe it to yourself to hand over the books to her and spend more time doing what you love.

Need better bookkeeping, but don't know where to start? Get the Bookkeeping Activities Checklist by clicking the button below:

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